A realm of unparalleled spaciousness and nimble maneuverability. With its remarkable 9-meter beam, it offers over 50% more room than a comparable monohull, yet remains a master of agility.

Purpose-built for adventurous owners seeking both space and performance, the Cosmopolitan 85 Narrow is tailored to meet your ambitions. Its innovative longitudinal tender and jet ski storage ensures effortless launch and recovery, simplifying your experience.

Choose your configuration: bridge above for expansive VIP cabins on the main deck, or a main VIP cabin on the flybridge for a wider layout. Opt for an open flybridge to embrace the elements. 200 square meters of interior possabilities.

We introduce a hybrid electrical propulsion system that harnesses the strengths of electric motors and the latest generation of engines. This system synergizes with a robust energy storage setup and solar panels, ensuring optimal fuel efficiency and dependable propulsion.
Our expert team of naval architects, work with the most advanced software to innovate, validate and integrate perfected hull shapes and foil designs.
- Reduced yacht motions.
- Lower resistance and consumptions.
- Light, strong and safe.
- Higher speeds and range.
- Improved maneuverability.
Our setup works together with state-of-the-art energy storage and solar panels, making sure the fuel is used efficiently and the boat moves reliably. The design also lets us recover energy, so the boat can be quiet when anchored and sail a certain distance without using a lot of fuel, all without sacrificing faster speeds.
Aluminium will offer added safety and peace of mind that will result in a more enjoyable experience.
- Increased corrosion resistance
- It offers recyclability.
- Light, strong and safe.
- Simple to understand and predict.
- Easy to repair
- Flexible to customize.
- Higher re-sell value.
- Ability to deform without breaking.

With a total usable area of 275 square meters, the Cosmopolitan 85 Narrow prioritizes seamless integration between indoor and outdoor realms.

When we were first approached to take on the interior design of Cosmopolitan 66, our studio saw it as an opportunity to weave the notion of storytelling into the design approach.